Top Tactic in Social Media
Today is the day. The tactic used in social media to stir up interest: The Countdown. Just like I did to get you here.
First my apologies for using a self-serving trick, but I did so to make a point. And that is — it works. Even with nothing really to offer I added 14 new followers in the last 3 days.
The best thing about the Countdown tactic is that it’s really easy. The only challenge is the planning because you have to get out in front of it to give you the lead time. What should you do:
- Find a reason — a new product launch; the anniversary of an event in your industry; anything with some relevance and value to your intended audience.
- Layout your announcements. I think it’s best to write them up in one sitting, so when it comes time to execute it’s just a matter of paste and schedule. Remember that these are just teases, so they shouldn’t be too long, so writing up a bunch isn’t that difficult. I advocate this, rather than write as you go, because it’s tough to stay on topic and on schedule if you write as you go over multiple days.
- Plan your Twitter posts to hit different parts of the day. Not everyone reads Twitter at 8am, so spread them out at different times to hit different users.
Coming Next Week — Just 4 days until I give you the next most popular tip: What do you think it is?
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- Countdown = 3 Days – Get the Top Tactic in Social Media (tim.mcguinn.es/s)